Equipment Calendar


The ELTON Calendar provides a visual overview of equipment reservations and loans.

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How it works

  • View equipment information: The calendar displays equipment reservations and loans in a scrollable Gantt chart format. Hover over a record to display more details about that record, including its availability.
  • Filter elements: You can filter the calendar to display only reservations, loans, or both, depending on your needs. It's recommended to use list view filters to limit the displayed records for optimal performance (ideally around 100).
  • Interact with records: Clicking on existing records opens a dialog box where you can make changes to the existing reservation or loan details and view detailed information about the associated equipment. Clicking on an empty slot Initiates the creation of a new reservation (R) or loan (L). When you either save or cancel your edit you will be returned to the calendar display.

Calendar view options

The calendar offers various customization options accessible through the Options pane:

  • Date Range: Specify the date range displayed on the calendar.
  • Show Empty Rows: Choose whether to display empty rows in the calendar view.
  • Show/Hide Collection Components: Select which information to display, such as user, contact, account, or opportunity associated with the record.
  • Show/Hide Loans or Reservations: Filter the view to display only loans, reservations, or both.
  • Order By: Sort the calendar entries by various criteria like start date or equipment name.

Custom settings

You can adjust the calendar appearance to your preference. For example, you can change the color scheme used to display loans and reservations, as well as the chart width. You can set these preferences organization-wide, by profile, or by user.

  1. On Salesforce, go to Setup.
  2. Navigate to Develop > Custom Settings
  3. Find Equipment Calendar and click the Manage option in the Action row.
  4. Click the New button.
  5. Modify the parameters you want to customize.
    • Chart Width: Can be specified as auto (recommended) or a specific value using px or % (e.g. 1000px or 80%).
    • Colors for each color option can be specified as valid HTML color names or RGB codes. W3schools maintains a listing of valid HTML color names.
    • Show empty rows: Set the default value of the show empty rows toggle on the calendar controls.
    • View mode: Select the types of bars to be displayed on the calendar you may type in Loans, Reservations, or All.
    • Show collection components: Set the default value of the show collection components toggle.
    • Show header: Either show or hide the Salesforce header to allow for a larger calendar display.
    • Page size: Set the number of equipment records to be displayed on each calendar page. Be aware that if both Loans and Reservations are being shown the number of rows will double from this value.
    • Hide Converted Reservations: Hide reservations that have been converted to loan. This can make for a cleaner display of the overall calendar.
    • Description Width: Set the width of the second column (Description) in pixels.
    • Order by: Controls the sorting of the Equipment in the view. This is the API names of the fields comma separated. IE: ELTON__Description__c to sort by Equipment Description, or Name to sort by EQ-NNNNNN.
    • Order Direction: Control if the sort is ASCending or DESCending.
    • Show Late Loan Bar: Display a bar from the Estimated Return date of a loan until Today. Choose a color that stands out for this bar.
    • Num of days relative to Today for Start: Set the default Start date of the calendar. Leave this blank to use the past month on the 1st of the month. Enter a negative value to set dates in the past EG. -30 will set the Start Date to 30 days before today.
    • Num of days relative to Today for End: Set the default End date of the calendar. Leave this blank to use the next 3 months ending on the 1st of the 3rd month. Enter a positive value to set dates in the future EG. 120 will set the End Date to 120 days after today.
    • Show sidebar: Due to conflicts with JavaScript components on the sidebar, this setting has been deprecated.
  6. Click the Save button to finish.

Field Sets on Equipment, Equipment Loan and Equipment Reservation

The calendar displays more detailed information about a loan, reservation, or equipment record in a float-over when the mouse is hovering over a record. The fields displayed in the floaters are controlled by Field Sets on the Equipment, Equipment Loan, and Equipment Reservation objects.

  1. On Salesforce, go to Setup > Create > Objects.
  2. Select the object you want to modify its displaying information: Equipment Loan, Equipment Reservation, or Equipment.
  3. Scroll down to the Field Sets section.
  4. Find the CalendarView field set and click Edit.
  5. Drag fields from the upper area into the In the Field Set panel to add items to be displayed in the floatover. To remove the field, drag fields from In the Field Set back to the upper bar.

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  6. Click Save to finish.


The Options section on the Equipment Calendar tab allows you to determine what gets displayed in the calendar.

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  • List View: This drop-down allows you to use different views of equipment. Views are a standard Salesforce feature for creating criteria to be displayed for records. For more information, see the Create List Views Salesforce documentation page.
  • Show: This drop-down allows the user to show Equipment Loans & Equipment Reservations, Equipment Reservations only, or Equipment Loans only.
  • From and To: These two dates control the date range displayed on the calendar view.
  • Show Empty Rows: This checkbox determines if equipment records with no loans or reservations will be displayed.
  • Show collection components: This checkbox determines if collection component records are displayed. If this is unchecked, all equipment records that are not in a collection and all master equipment records from collections will be displayed.
  • Color legend: The eight colors used to display Loans and Reservations are displayed in a legend. The checkboxes embedded into each color box allow you to display or hide that type of record.
  • Order By: Select to sort equipment by Name or Description, Ascending or Descending.

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