Equipment Orders

Extend Order


The Extend Order feature allows you to adjust the estimated return date for processed orders. This is useful when unforeseen circumstances require a change in the expected return timeframe.

Extend order

  1. On the Equipment Orders tab, go to the processed order you want to extend.
  2. Click the Extend Order button in the action bar.
  3. Input the desired end date for the order.
  4. Use Check Lines to validate if extending the order will cause any issues with upcoming transactions. The system will display a list of lines with their status:
    • OK: The line can be extended without conflicts.
    • NOT OK: The line cannot be extended due to potential conflicts.
  5. If all lines show "OK," proceed to extend the order by clicking the "Extend Order" button. In turn, if you encounter any "NOT OK" lines, you may need to adjust the estimated return date or resolve the underlying conflicts before proceeding.

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