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Edit Layouts


Screen layouts determine the visibility of fields on the screen, and the ability to edit layouts allows organizations to modify screens and related lists to best suit their workflow needs. In Professional and Group editions this also determines if the field is available to various programs. You can go into a screen and change the layouts if required.

For Professional and Group Edition customers, many of ELTON's fields displayed are needed for the product to work correctly. For example, if the QR Code Equipment ID field is removed from the layout the field will not be updated correctly and QR Codes will not work. We use Visualforce Pages for both our Google Maps integration and our QR Code generation. As such, do not enable the New buttons on Equipment Assignments, Equipment Loans, or Equipment Quantity Adjustments as those records are created using buttons on the Equipment record. Enterprise and Performance users, for their part, can use the Edit Layout utility to change screens as desired.

Related Lists on Contact, Account and Opportunity

To view the Current Assignment, Current Loan, Historical Assignment, and Historical Loan-related lists on Contact, Account, and Opportunity you must use the Edit Layout to add these lists to the Page Layouts. Turn off the New buttons on all related lists. These records must be created by using the buttons on the Equipment screen or through the mobile ELTON Scanner app.

Quantity Adjustment Button

This button allows you to adjust the Quantity on Hand either positive or negative. Use a positive number to increase the Quantity on Hand and a negative number to decrease it. You can also select the date of the adjustment and enter an adjustment note. These adjustments are recorded in the Equipment Quantity Adjustment-related list as Regular.

Equipment Quantity Adjustments (Related List)

Each time a Quantity record is adjusted, a record is created in the Equipment Quantity Adjustment object. This serves as a log of all quantity adjustments regardless of source. This is designed to assist in historical reporting and troubleshooting with various quantity issues. Possible values for Adjustment Source are:

  • System: Created if Quantity on Hand does not agree with record totals.
  • Mobile: This record was created from the mobile app.
  • Regular: This record was entered using the Quantity Adjustment button.
  • Loan: This record was created as a result of a Loan transaction.
  • Load: This record is created if a Data Interface record is created by loading data

Possible values for Adjustment Types are:

  • Regular: Created by Quantity Adjustment or mobile quantity adjustment
  • Loan: Created by initiating a loan.
  • Loan Return: Created when a loan is returned.
  • Opening Balance: Created by the system if Quantity on Hand does not reconcile with records.
  • System Generated: Created by the system if Quantity on Loan was adjusted after a loan was returned.

Request Fulfill Screen Customization

Equipment Request Fulfill Screen is a custom VisualForce page that finds available equipment to fulfill an equipment request. Since this screen is not a standard Salesforce layout, we provided customization in a different way.

Custom labels

  1. Navigate to Setup > Create > Custom Labels.
  2. You will see a series of labels related to the Equipment Request Category. Edit these labels as desired to override the labels on the screen.

Field Set – FulfillEquipmentRequest

  1. Navigate to Setup > Create > Objects > Equipment.
  2. Select the FulfillEquipmentRequest Fieldset, you may change the fields displayed and their display order on the Fulfill request screen.

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