Equipment Loan


A Loan record represents equipment temporarily transferred to a customer or prospect, acting as a tracking tool for managing equipment movement and ensuring its timely return.

How it works

  • Flexible workflow: ELTON does not require a reservation or formal request before creating a loan; you can directly select equipment and initiate the loan process. Map out the steps that best fit your workflow. For smaller, commonly used equipment, your sales reps might be able to loan items directly from their inventory. For larger equipment stored in regional or central facilities, a request may be necessary.
  • Monitor due dates: Easily monitor loans approaching their estimated return date to ensure timely equipment retrieval and quickly recognize loans that have exceeded their estimated return date and take necessary actions for their retrieval.
  • Accurate return tracking: To ensure accurate tracking and avoid premature closure of the loan record, the actual return date field is only updated after the equipment is physically returned and received by the company.

Loan details

  • Start date: Records the date when the equipment is shipped or delivered to the customer/prospect.
  • Estimated return date: Indicates the anticipated date by which the equipment should be returned.
  • Actual return date: This field remains blank until the equipment is physically received back. Once returned, the system is updated with the actual return date.

Loan equipment

  1. Go to the Equipment tab.
  2. In the action bar at the left, select the equipment you want to loan, click the arrow down button, and select Loan. Alternatively, you can enter the page of the equipment you want to loan and click on Loan on the action bar.

Field Name


Loan Start Date*

Loan starting date

Estimated Return Date*

Estimate equipment return date

Loan Quantity

For Equipment that is an Equipment Pool, this is the quantity of the loan; for Non-Equipment Pool items, use a Quantity of 1 (default).

Loan Type (Required)

Select one of User, Contact, Account or Opportunity*

User / Contact / Account / Opportunity (Required)

Choose the specific object the equipment will be loaned to.

Tracking Number

The carrier tracking number associated with this loan

Loan Note

The notes for this Loan.

3. Click the Save button to finish.

Return loans

ELTON offers several convenient methods to return borrowed equipment manually: from the loan record, the mobile app, and the equipment order. All methods consist of updating the loan record's return date.

From the Salesforce application

  1. Locate the specific equipment loan record you wish to return.
  2. Click the "Return" button on the action bar.
  3. Choose or update the actual return date.

From the mobile app

  1. Open the app and locate the borrowed equipment.
  2. Utilize the app's scanning functionality to scan the equipment barcode.
  3. Mark it as returned. This will update the return date.

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