Mobile Components

Equipment Convert Reservation


Equipment Convert Reservation allows users to scan equipment with open reservations and select and convert reservations into loans. If the scanned equipment has no pending reservations, a warning message is displayed.

App page

After the user scans the equipment, they are presented with the following page. The Compact layout for the equipment is displayed. Below the equipment, a list of Active, Unconverted, and Future dated reservations is displayed.

The fields displayed to the user are controlled by the Compact layout for the Equipment Reservation object. The user taps the reservation they wish to convert.

Administrators may choose to add a Rich Text component above the Scan component to guide users.

Document image

The Convert Reservation page is displayed. The Reservation Start Date and Estimated Return Date are populated from the reservation and depending on the user's permission may be updateable. The Reservation Note and Tracking Number fields are displayed for updating (user permission dependent). The Scan button under the Tracking Number field allows the user to Scan a tracking number from a shipping waybill.

Tap Save to convert the reservation into a loan. The user is returned to the Scan component to scan the next equipment to convert. Since this is designed to be a high-volume scan and process function, minimal taps are required to convert each reservation.

Document image

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