Equipment Loan

Import Loan Data


You can use Salesforce Import Data Wizard to import Equipment Loan data.

1. Prepare the import file

  1. On Salesforce, go to Reports and click the New Report button.
  2. Select Equipment as the report type and click Create.
  3. Drag the Equipment: ID field into the report alongside any other fields you may wish to use to assist in identifying the record in the report. Click Run Report.
  4. From the Report page, click Export.
  5. Change the export file format to .csv and click Export.
  6. Open the file in a spreadsheet editor and save it
  7. You will now take the data in that worksheet and add additional columns to provide the Assignment data.
    1. Loan Type = User, Contact, Account, or Opportunity.
    2. Loan Start Date = yyyy-mm-dd.
    3. Estimated Return Date = yyyy-mm-dd.
    4. Loaned ID = The SFDC ID of the record. This is used to associate the record with the Equipment Loan. You may need to export all your associated records and use Vlookup to find the Salesforce ID. For Contact and Account, you can use the Name Field and do not need to obtain the SFDC ID for those types of records.
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Loading Loan data must be done based on the Loan Type field. If you have loans to Users, Contacts, Accounts, and Opportunities, you may have as many as 4 files to load. Save each file filtered on Loan Type (User, Contact, Account, and Opportunity) as a separate CSV.

2. Import the file

  1. On Salesforce, go to Setup > Data > Data Import Wizard.
  2. Scroll down and click the Launch Wizard! button. The Data Import Wizard will open.
  3. Select the following values for each pane:
    • What kind of data are you importing?: Custom objects - Equipment Loans
    • What do you want to do? Add new records. Additional questions will be revealed. Based on the Loan Type you are loading, answer the appropriate question.
    • Where is your data located? Drag the CSV file you saved earlier onto the drop spot.

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  4. Click Next.
  5. On this Field Map, you will need to make some changes:
    • Click Map next to Equipment: ID, select Equipment
    • Click Map next to Loaned ID, select Contact (Or User, Account, or Opportunity based on which Loan Type you are currently loading)

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  6. Click Next.
  7. Again the field map summary will be presented. Click Previous to edit or click Start Import to proceed.
  8. You will be directed to the Bulk Data Load Jobs page. Here you can monitor your job and review results as necessary. Repeat the steps above for each Loan Type you are loading (User, Contact, Account, or Opportunity).

Loading Multiple Loans for a single Equipment record

If you need to load historical Loan data (more than the current loan) we recommend you contact us for assistance.

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