Integrating ELTON with Salesforce Cases
You can use the existing cases functionality in Salesforce and allow cases to be logged against a piece of Equipment. A System Administrator in your Org needs follow this process.
- Go to Setup > Object Manager > Case
Navigate to Fields and Relationships and click the New button.
Choose a Lookup Relationship and click Next.
For the related Object choose Equipment.
Accept the defaults for the Field Name and Relationship Name and click Next.
Set relationship security to match your organization but do not check Read-Only. Click Next.
Accept the defaults to add the field to the Page Layouts and click Next.
Accept the defaults to add the cases-related lists to the Equipment Page Layouts and click Save.
- That completes the integration. You will notice that you now have an optional Equipment lookup on the Case Page Layout, a related list of cases on the Equipment Page Layout and a New case button on the Equipment Page Layout.
Added to the bottom of your existing Related Lists is the Cases Related list. You may use the Edit Layout to move the location of Cases anywhere inside the related lists area. There is also a New button on this related list. You may use this button to create a case for this piece of equipment.
In Salesforce Lightning all searching can use values other than the Name. However, in Salesforce Classic, to allow users to look up equipment based on fields other than the Equipment Name (EQ-NNNNNN) you need to enable Enhanced Lookups on the equipment object.
Go to Setup > Search Settings.
Scroll down to the Lookup Settings section and enable Enhanced Lookups for the Equipment object. You can optionally turn on Lookup Auto-Completion if desired. Now your user can select All Fields and enter a search string that will return the Equipment from any searchable field such as Serial Number.
You may also wish to offer specific field filters. Go to the Equipment object and scroll down to the Search Layouts section. Click Edit next to Search Filter Fields.
Add the fields you want your users to be able to filter on and click Save.
The resulting lookup will allow users to search and filter on fields other than the Equipment Name.